A Little Adventure

I met Ah Yen during my getaway trip in Feb 2005.
He is THE fishing enthusiast, a very hard-core one as i soon found out.
He goes fishing in the early morning, afternoon and evening.
He is black in colour.
Yen:"Tmr I bring you to this spot."
Yen:"Have to wake up very early ok."
Me:"No problemo! Come and wake me up!"
At 6am the following morning, he banged on my door like there was no tomorrow.
Really, the noise he made could have awaken the dead. He's sweet like that.
With the refreshing cool morning draft blowing at my face, 4 of us "brooom brooom" to 4 towns away.
Soon, we turned into a small road with many run-down shacks, fenced by the tall and graceful coconut trees.
The small road became a dirt road and all of a sudden, we were in a corn field.
Surrounded by grass taller than us, the motorcycles started to have some difficulty navigating the undulating terrain.
My biker dude ungraciously told me to get down and walk, his bike was having some problems.
The very kind butch told me to hop on hers and i gladly grabbed her thick waist and held on as we started to go uphill and downhill, from cornfield to shrubs.
Suddenly, like magic, the sea was conjured up in front of us!

The fishes we landed here were big by standards and so were the waves.
After many hours, the tide started to come in and it was home sweet home, mahjong time.
End of adventure.
The next time Ah Yen wants to bring me to a new SPOT, i will make sure i ask for all the details before i go.
Because to get to another spot he had (tricked)brought us to, i had to trudge through bushes.
And i DO NOT like bush-bashing and all the insects that come along with it.
This seaside trip was acceptable lah. Because i just had to enjoy the ride and do the princess act.
Stupid shrubs scratched my legs though. Hrmp!
Everybody got scolded upon reaching home.
"Its very dangerous there you know!"
A little true, i did see men in military get-up occasionally.
And you know how they like to rape girls.
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